Monday, July 18, 2011

The Pianist

Watching the movie the Pianist again, brought on a plethora of emotions. For those of you who haven't seen the movie, it takes place in Poland, during WWII, as the NAZIS heinously committed murder through ethnic cleansing of the Jews.

The harder reality of this movie is the truth behind it. Such genocide continues today in the twenty-first century. Places like the Congo, Myra mar (Burma), and China (the female gender) continue to see this horrible atrocity happening to loved ones. All the while, there remains a love that cannot be explained. The greater good continues to prevail.

As I watched "The Pianist" walking through the streets of Poland sobbing as he walked by lifeless bodies who had been pushed out of windows, shot, tortured and starved, I was hit with overwhelming sadness watching inhumane acts. Then imagining greater sadness God surely feels everyday, when looks upon his creation, his sons and daughters killing and harming one another.

Yet in the end, virtually without hope, a NAZI officer began helping The Pianist, feeding him while safe in hiding. As the Germans were pulling out, he even left him his coat, to keep warm. The Pianist mentioned he couldn't thank him enough. The German officer told The Pianist to thank God, as he must have wanted them both alive. Yes, the  survived the NAZIS in Poland, only to be shot at by the Russians. Yet, his endurance led to survival. But only because the German officer showed compassion to the Polish pianist.

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