Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It's Cheesy

Happy but diligent regulars scurrying, laughing, talking, moving - the atmosphere as I remember it from last week. Greetings, hugs, and smiles are the usual. But today was even better! Today was a special day. Chocolate cake with bright yellow frosting spelled out "Happy Birthday".

As I moved toward the front, there she was. As usual helping others, "Cheesy" was offering direction and assistance to make sure the "newbies" safely nestled under the wing of someone confident. I walked past her smiling bigger, knowing it was her birthday, hence the extra "buzz".

The line was already wrapped around the front of the building and the door had just been propped open. The sign-in sheet was going and files were being pulled. I freely gave out smiles and good mornings and received some in return. Recognized familiar faces made the morning all the brighter. I love to see the diversity in the names, but hate butchering them. But what a better way to build relationship.

This place is like a family within a family. We get to catch up weekly, celebrate with each other and mourn with each other. Life happens in the place. Surgeries, illness, death, life, recovery of life, celebration of a new job, or a new grandchild. We notice when someone is absent and cheer when they return. It's cheesy, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

Today was a day to celebrate Bobbie's birthday! Today was a birthday! Today 58 families came and went. Today there was more than enough. Most left with smiles, knowing they are loved and not forgotten about.

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